Edison's Last Breath

Edison's Last Breath

What is the essence of life? I don't know. Can one’s spirit be captured in a jar? Again, I don't know. Is there a way to connect with a worldly life in the spiritual world? My third, I don't know. So what is it that drives us to ask and investigate such questions? It's a curiosity and the desire to know. These are the questions which brought me to EDISONS LAST BREATH and the intention I give you with our show. Be curious about the unknown. Be willing to see beyond the reality of knowledge. Just be with the possibility of discovery.

As the seekers of truth and beauty in our play, Josh and Kyle and Thomas Edison and Henry Ford take us on a journey, not to an answer but on an adventure ending with another question. We, like Liam, his father, and the new guy, are along for the ride.

Tom Zuehlke, Director

Edison's Last Breath
  • Edison's Last Breath (An Original Stage Play)

    What is the essence of life? I don't know. Can one’s spirit be captured in a jar? Again, I don't know. Is there a way to connect with a worldly life in the spiritual world? My third, I don't know. So what is it that drives us to ask and investigate such questions? It's a curiosity and the desire ...